in Eastern Plains of Karana by Theoris Bladespur (15034)
in Highpass Hold by Vranol Blackguard (5039)
in Jaggedpine Forest by #Yranik Blackguard (181004)
a Darkpaw oracle (181074)
a Darkpaw defiler (181059)
a Darkpaw curate (181144)
a Darkpaw healer (181211)
a poacher (181222)
a poacher (181221)
a poacher (181220)
#Zed Sticklebush (181162)
a poacher (181135)
#Elishia Blackguard (181007)
#Reynold Blackguard (181006)
#Vaurien Sticklebush (181002)
#Barducks Darkpaw (181070)
a Darkpaw gnoll (181138)
a Darkpaw corruptor (181060)
a Darkpaw mystic (181001)
a Darkpaw warrior (181037)
in Permafrost Caverns by Greshvoule (73090)
in Southern Plains of Karana by Ryleen Bladespur (14051)
in Toxxulia Forest by Fittorn Bladespur (38151)
in Jaggedpine Forest by a treant (181133)
a great kodiak (181224)
#StormClaw (181012)
#Sergeant Caelin (181206)
#Guard Bossamir (181195)
#Ralleford Twothorns (181183)
#Cathleen Goodroot (181180)
#Guard Finewine (181173)
#Donna Twothorns (181163)
#Diedra Twothorns (181161)
#Derick Goodroot (181160)
an ancient treant (181226)
#Jerg Oakenfist (181225)
Waldo Pinemyer (181114)
a savage pinewolf (181223)
a grey pinewolf (181106)
#Randel Stormwind (181091)
#Jeremy Leafrunner (181090)
a greenwood grizzly (181032)
a black panther (181009)
a greenwood bear (181005)
a black pinewolf (181000)
in Surefall Glade by Gurrin Nitestorm (3014)
Lerian Wyndrunner (3016)
Jhaya Wyndrunner (3015)