Strong Horn

Full name Strong Horn
Level 65
Race Brontotherium
Class Warrior
Main faction
Health points 56,000
Damage 140 to 377
Attack speedNormal (100%)
Special attacks

This NPC casts the following spells

When killed, this NPC drops

  • With a probability of 100% (multiplier : 1):
    1. Stronghorn's Horn (1HB) - 100% (100% Global)

    This NPC spawns in

    Western Wastes

  • westwastes_a_brontotherium24 : -2868 / -3208 / -23
    Spawns every 1 hour 20 sec
  • westwastes_a_brontotherium24 : -4770 / 482 / -336
    Spawns every 1 hour 20 sec
  • westwastes_a_brontotherium24 : -4307 / 1310 / -343
    Spawns every 1 hour 20 sec
  • westwastes_a_brontotherium24 : -701 / 4379 / -78
    Spawns every 1 hour 20 sec
  • westwastes_a_brontotherium24 : 806 / -2612 / -13
    Spawns every 1 hour 20 sec
  • westwastes_a_brontotherium24 : -1272 / -698 / -1
    Spawns every 1 hour 20 sec
  • westwastes_a_brontotherium24 : -2695 / -3801 / -25
    Spawns every 1 hour 20 sec
  • westwastes_a_brontotherium24 : -3952 / -3380 / -33
    Spawns every 1 hour 20 sec
  • westwastes_a_brontotherium24 : 3831 / 1147 / -64
    Spawns every 1 hour 20 sec
  • westwastes_a_brontotherium24 : -1318 / 560 / 16
    Spawns every 1 hour 20 sec
  • westwastes_a_brontotherium24 : 5214 / 1506 / -379
    Spawns every 1 hour 20 sec