Aten Ha Ra

Full name Aten Ha Ra
Level 66
Race Akheva
Class Warrior
Main faction KOS
Health points 1,900,000
Damage 294 to 1054
Attack speedNormal (100%)
Special attacks

This NPC casts the following spells

Aten Ha Ra

When killed, this NPC drops

  • With a probability of 100% (multiplier : 1):
    1. Great Shadow Platemail (Armor) - 16.66% (16.66% Global)
    2. Armguard of Shadows (Armor) - 16.66% (16.66% Global)
    3. Leg Guard of Shadows (Armor) - 16.66% (16.66% Global)
    4. Crimson Runed Mask (Armor) - 16.66% (16.66% Global)
    5. Gloves of the Crimson Sigil (Armor) - 16.66% (16.66% Global)
    6. Earring of Eradication (Armor) - 16.66% (16.66% Global)
  • With a probability of 100% (multiplier : 1):
    1. Soul Essence of Aten Ha Ra (Gems) - 100% (100% Global)
  • With a probability of 100% (multiplier : 1):
    1. Robe of Secrets (Armor) - 14.286% (14.286% Global)
    2. Leggings of Secrets (Armor) - 14.286% (14.286% Global)
    3. Orb of Secrets (Armor) - 14.286% (14.286% Global)
    4. Mask of Secrets (Armor) - 14.286% (14.286% Global)
    5. Tome of Secrets (Shield) - 14.286% (14.286% Global)
    6. Wristband of Secrets (Armor) - 14.286% (14.286% Global)
    7. Silver Band of Secrets (Armor) - 14.286% (14.286% Global)
  • With a probability of 100% (multiplier : 1):
    1. Mail of Judgement (Armor) - 14.286% (14.286% Global)
    2. Leggings of Judgement (Armor) - 14.286% (14.286% Global)
    3. Torch of Judgment (Armor) - 14.286% (14.286% Global)
    4. Mask of Judgement (Armor) - 14.286% (14.286% Global)
    5. Aegis of Judgement (Shield) - 14.286% (14.286% Global)
    6. Wristband of Judgement (Armor) - 14.286% (14.286% Global)
    7. Crimson Ring of Judgement (Armor) - 14.286% (14.286% Global)
  • With a probability of 100% (multiplier : 1):
    1. Ancient: High Priest's Bulwark (Scroll) - 1% (1% Global)
    2. Ancient: Legacy of Blades (Scroll) - 1% (1% Global)
    3. Ancient: Starfire of Ro (Scroll) - 1% (1% Global)
    4. Ancient: Feral Avatar (Scroll) - 1% (1% Global)
    5. Ancient: Scourge of Nife (Scroll) - 1% (1% Global)
    6. Ancient: Master of Death (Scroll) - 1% (1% Global)
    7. Ancient: Lifebane (Scroll) - 1% (1% Global)
    8. Ancient: Destruction of Ice (Scroll) - 1% (1% Global)
    9. Ancient: Greater Concussion (Scroll) - 1% (1% Global)
    10. Ancient: Shock of Sun (Scroll) - 1% (1% Global)
    11. Ancient: Burnout Blaze (Scroll) - 1% (1% Global)
    12. Ancient: Eternal Rapture (Scroll) - 1% (1% Global)
    13. Ancient: Chaotic Visions (Scroll) - 1% (1% Global)
    14. Ancient: Gift of Aegolism (Scroll) - 1% (1% Global)
    15. Ancient: Lcea's Lament (Scroll) - 1% (1% Global)
    16. Ancient: Lullaby of Shadow (Scroll) - 1% (1% Global)

    This NPC spawns in

    Vex Thal

  • vexthal_Aten_Ha_Ra436 : 0 / 1412 / 248
    Spawns every 156 hours