an aqua goblin shaman

Full name an aqua goblin shaman
Level 10
Race Goblin
Class Warrior
Main faction Riptide Goblins
Health points 260
Damage 1 to 22
Attack speedNormal (100%)
Special attacks

This NPC casts the following spells

Default Shaman List

When killed, this NPC drops

  • With a probability of 100% (multiplier : 1):
    1. Rusty Short Sword (1HS) - 8.594% (8.594% Global)
    2. Rusty Broad Sword (1HS) - 1.562% (1.562% Global)
    3. Rusty Long Sword (1HS) - 4.688% (4.688% Global)
    4. Bronze Long Sword (1HS) - 3.125% (3.125% Global)
    5. Bronze Two Handed Sword (2HS) - 1.562% (1.562% Global)
    6. Bronze Knuckles (Martial) - 0.781% (0.781% Global)
  • With a probability of 100% (multiplier : 1):
    1. Small Raw-hide Skullcap (Armor) - 1.562% (1.562% Global)
    2. Small Raw-hide Mask (Armor) - 1.562% (1.562% Global)
    3. Small Raw-hide Tunic (Armor) - 1.562% (1.562% Global)
    4. Small Raw-hide Cloak (Armor) - 2.344% (2.344% Global)
    5. Small Raw-hide Belt (Armor) - 1.562% (1.562% Global)
    6. Small Raw-hide Wristbands (Armor) - 3.125% (3.125% Global)
    7. Small Raw-hide Gloves (Armor) - 2.344% (2.344% Global)
    8. Small Raw-hide Leggings (Armor) - 0.781% (0.781% Global)
    9. Small Raw-hide Boots (Armor) - 0.781% (0.781% Global)
  • With a probability of 100% (multiplier : 1):
    1. Arrow (Arrow) - 100% (100% Global)
    2. Hunting Bow (Archery) - 100% (100% Global)

    This NPC spawns in

    Lake Rathetear

  • lakerathe_222677 : 2505 / 922 / -195
    Spawns every 6 min
  • lakerathe_222678 : 2770 / 143 / -429
    Spawns every 20 min
  • lakerathe_222678 : 2813 / 179 / -432
    Spawns every 20 min

    Killing this NPC lowers factions with

    Killing this NPC raises factions with